The Farmer's Daughter (NSFW Game)

Originally released in 1988 for the Commodore 64, The Farmer's Daughter is first on my list of NSFW text-based games because I feel like it's a good representative of the genre. It's not a fantastic game by any means, and it probably didn't take all that long to throw together. However, it accomplishes its task of providing some relatively hardcore amusement along with a few puzzles that are real head-scratchers to advance the story.


Let's get this out of the way here: In nearly every NSFW game from this period, you're playing from a male perspective. Women were creating text games during this time as well, but for this kind of market you're definitely looking at a sausage fest. The world is written in this way too, and has all of the subtlety and misogynistic assumptions that you could expect from watching an old Burt Reynolds movie. Smokey and the Bandit are likely racing past on the street out front while you're struggling with the puzzle in the barn.

A roll in the hay with the titular farmer's daughter is clearly the goal here, and what better goal could a game have, really? I personally find this kind of story-based payoff a lot more enticing than the normal goals of maxing out your score that are usually provided in this type of game. Oh, and about that, there is also a score that you can max out here. The more puzzles you solve without messing up and getting killed/violated by the farmer's sons, the higher that score is going to go, up to a max of 85 points.

Despite the goal being sex with a particular woman, there is wall-to-wall porny text in this game, and if you read a book, change clothes, or walk into the wrong room you're likely to get some kind of hypersexualized textual feedback. There's even an option to remove your clothes and masturbate on just about any object or character in the game, although you're going to get some mixed results depending on when and where you choose this option. I think this gives you a pretty clear idea of what kind of game world we're discussing here.

Some of what's written here is still pretty raunchy even today, but if you put yourself in the mindset of 1988 where you still had to go out and buy a magazine to get anything similar to this material maybe it'll help show why this game would have been very welcome for some people at the time.

Tips (Mild Spoilers)

As far as I've seen, there's not much in the way of walkthroughs for this game available online. If you've ever played any of the Zork games or the Hitchhiker's Guide, you know how obtuse some puzzle solutions can get. However, this game is fairly straightforward with its puzzles, just use your brain a bit and think about what you've seen laying around that might help you. Every item does not directly connect to a puzzle solution, some are just there as purile fillers to keep you interested.

Here are a few beginner tips:

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