NSFW Text Games

Warning: Adults Only

First thing's first, there's definite NSFW material ahead, even if it's text-only! If you're not considered an adult in your current location then this article and these games are not for you! In many places that's 18+, but I'm certain that if you're not supposed to be reading this that you're aware of it. So cut it out!

Why These Games Are Interesting (To Me)

I've actually been reading a great history book recently, "50 Years of Text Games" by Aaron A. Reed. NSFW text-based games are lightly covered in this book, but I felt like they deserve a slightly closer look.

Materials that are meant to be enticing always say a lot about the time period and culture that produces them, and I think that these games deserve to be remembered. I am 100% certain that someone somewhere has done this same kind of study before, but I sure don't see it here on Gemini or gopher, so here we are!

Text-based games also seem like a good fit for the audience that's here on the smolweb, and I want to make sure that I'm contributing something both interesting and useful. We all spend a lot of time looking at text instead of images by choice, simply by participating here. Maybe some people would be interested in a bit of their NSFW and game-playing time going in the same direction.

Finally, let's not kid ourselves here: I'm talking about these games because I enjoy playing them, despite (or may be because of) how juvenile and unsophisticated they may be at times. If you want to enjoy them as well after reading about them, I'll be providing links to where you can play them whenever possible.

The Games:
