Love Undying: A Kiss Before Dawn (NSFW Game)

This is a more recent game than the last one I talked about. Yes, they're still making new text-based games! Love Undying was released in May of 2024, and is one of the point-and-click text-based games which are made by Heart's Choice, the romance label of Choice of Games.


Love Undying places you in the role of a vampire who has newly arrived in an English countryside village in Victorian times. Being a new arrival, you have plenty of opportunities to meet romantic interests in the new town, although a couple from your past will show up as well during the course of the story

One nice feature in Love Undying as compared to some of the older text-based sextventures is that you're able to choose your gender. I played through as a female vampire, but from the way the storytelling is done I don't believe that being male would involve much of a change other than a few descriptive elements during...more heated moments. And no, choosing your gender does not limit who you can end up having sexy times with.

The game isn't just wall-to-wall erotic text, mind you. It's actually a pretty good story, and I'm certain that you could make your way all the way through the game without getting horny with anyone, if that's your preference. You do in fact get to choose between several romance options, both male and female, vampire and vampire hunter, noble and peasant. You can even sleep with more than one of them by the end if you so please, but I think that the endings kind of hinge on who you finally choose as your overall partner.

The sexy bits are definitely there, but not raunchy. There's a lot of anticipation leading up to grabbing at sensitive parts, bodies rubbing, fangs biting, etc. If you're into the sexier side of vampirism, then this is definitely a good title for you. I ended up forming the strongest connection with the female vampire hunter, but I can see positives to some of the other characters as well, especially if you're into partners of the more masculine variety.

Tips (Mild Spoilers)

Don't worry too much about what stats you're building up in this one, as they don't always seem to apply to every situation anyway. I spent most of the game building up my charm/influence powers, and then failed some important rolls at the end anyway. Just do what feels right for the character that you're playing, and everything will either sort itself out...or not.

Try not to get caught while you're out feeding, caution is key, and you're not going to impress the local vampires by being showy about it. This factors a fair bit into what ending you get.

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